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garden look good all
year with our "Four-
Season" package. Call
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Fall is quickly sneaking up on us and winter  will be upon us before we know it. Here
are tips to help prepare your lawn and garden for the following months:


  1. Ants can be a problem in lawns during late summer- especially fire ants. Other
    pests  may also cause problems. Use a pesticide to correct pests.
  2. Chrysanthemum plants should be given one last pinching in late August.
  3. Humid weather encourages blackspot on roses, and mildew on crape-myrtles,
    so keep up with sprayings as needed.
  4. Lace bug, common on azaleas, may need a second spraying now; use
  5. The first two weeks in September is a key time for fertilization. A good  fertilizer
    will do wonders for your lawn.
  6. Mowing of lawn could continue through October.
  7. August and September are primary upkeep months. Continue to maintain lawn
    and plants. Prepare  and plan for planting of fall plants and bulbs.
  8. Continue trimming hedges. Do not prune shrubs except to remove vigorous growth.


  1. Plant fall bulbs
  2. Apply winter turf food to your lawn.
  3. Lawns will begin to die back and leaves will begin t fall. Leaf pick up and removal
    begins. Consider having leaves mulched in order to return nutrients to your lawn.
  4. Plants will begin to go into dormancy. However, continue watering. October is a dry
    month. Plants that are well watered in fall will have less damage going into winter. Do
    not overwater or you will force new growth to develope.
  5. Gardening tools not in use should be brought in, cleaned up, and stored for the
  6. Fall is a good time to choose and plant camellias and other broad-leaved shrubs
    which grow well in our area.

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The Lawn Man
130 East Salem Drive
Montgomery, AL 36109
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